
An XML Proxy Server that dynamically creates an XML based API from existing web applications

Why use BunnyX?

Well the knee-jerk reaction might be to ask Why not? That, however, doesn't help anyone. Individuals and organizations might want to use BunnyX for a number of different applications and reasons, such as:

  1. Browsing the web in XHTML
  2. Creating XML based content off of company web data - Such as an RSS feed
  3. Providing internal web services for existing web applications
  4. Personalizing the look of any web application by creating custom XSLT scripts for the XML produced
  5. The creation of a possibly more robust application by anyone who does any kind of web screen scraping
  6. The ability to retain some semantic information about a document (the relationship between data elements) to help in document identification and even analysis
  7. Interfacing with applications using XML which cannot be changed due to cost, vendor licenses or accessibility
  8. Automating any web-related scripting activity using complex workflow
  9. Providing a platform specific interface to a web application
  10. Providing an XML interface for a B2B application
  11. Integrating multiple web applications to be accessed by a single XML based interface

There are probably even more uses that haven't been thought of yet. As it is a proxy, it can also be used in a batch manner, to for example, batch convert a company's static html website to XHTML. Now this conversion may not be perfect, but it will be easier than changing it by hand.

So now you know why.

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