
An XML Proxy Server that dynamically creates an XML based API from existing web applications

Download BunnyX.

Source file programming languages used are indicated in brackets next to the download link.

There are a number of different packages that are available for download:

  1. The latest Stable version of the BunnyX proxy server binaries
  2. The latest Stable version of the BunnyX proxy server source (Java)
  3. The latest Unstable version of the BunnyX proxy server binaries
  4. The latest Unstable version of the BunnyX proxy server source (Java)
  5. The latest Stable version of the BunnyX profile client binaries (For Java)
  6. The latest Stable version of the BunnyX profile client source (Java)
  7. The latest Stable version of the BunnyX Live XML Browser source (PHP, Javascript)

Although the BunnyX proxy server is the only required package necessary to use for doing dynamic XML data and service generation, the related projects (Profile client and Browser) allow easier interaction and use of the proxy.

The BunnyX Live XML Browser is a collection of PHP scripts which connects to a running BunnyX proxy, makes RPC requests and outputs the desired results. It also demonstrates how the BunnyX URL Prepend headers work in tandem with external web applications. A client side javascript XSL transformation of the XML produced by the proxy is used to re-construct links and form interaction for requested sites.

The BunnyX Profile Client is a Java library that, with a correctly configured XML file, maps XML-RPC methods and XML Data to Java Interfaces. This lets application developers code to an interface without having to worry that the logic is being executed remotely. An added advantage is that, if there is no significant change in the webflow of an application, changes in the web application being used by the Profile Client can be catered for just by updating the configured XML file instead of re-compiling and re-distributing a new application.

These related projects are designed to be used by developers who create BunnyX based applications to help map, logically, the flow of data and logic from a non-xml enabled web application to a java or xml client.

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