BunnyX |
An XML Proxy Server that dynamically creates an XML based API from existing web applications |
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BunnyX Screenshots - Live XML BrowserThese are screenshots of the Live XML Browser. The Live XML Browswer is mainly used as a support tool to help identify where BunnyX may have problems parsing or interacting with features and code of web applications. Yahoo.com screenshotsThis is the initial screen for the Live XML browser. Users select a protocol (either HTTP or HTTPS) and fill in the rest of the URL in the text field provided. The user then selects a format and presses GO. The result would be seen in the frame below. The Yahoo! home page loaded in the browser frame without going through any of the Live XML Browser scripts. If there's a problem getting XML information for a URL, ensure it at least appears in DIRECT mode. Relative URLs are converted to abolute URLs. As can be seen, there is (and should be) no visual difference in the appearance of the page. The Prepend string of the location of the script that the Live XML browser is using is done. Relative URLs are converted to abolute URLs and the result is appended to the prepend string. As can be seen again, there is (and should be) no visual difference in the appearance of the page. The XHTML (or extremely close) representation of the original page. All (if not most of) the content is still present, it may however be mis-aligned and the look is different as all tags (including formatting tags) are closed properly and don't overlap in a non-XML manner. The XML flat representation of the web page. There are redundant data elements and none of the blocks have unique ids. The XML flat representation of the web page. The service configuration shows the XML definition generated by the forms present on the page. To the right there is a form interface re-created allowing form interaction with the website from the definition. The XML Block representation of the web page. There are no redundant data elements and all blocks have unique ids. The XML Block representation of the web page. The service configuration is the same as in the XML Flat. |